Jesus Christ, the baptizer with the Holy Spirit

By Pastor Joseph Babatunde

Text: John 1:32-34. 

Jesus Christ was the first to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Luke 3:16, 21-22. In John 1:33 and Mark 1:8, we read that Jesus will baptize in the Holy Spirit while in Mathew 3:11 and Luke 3:16, it is written that He will baptize with the Holy Ghost and with fire. 

All the Gospels emphasized that Jesus is “He which baptizeth with or in the Holy Ghost”.

Consequently, Jesus promised in John 14:26 and John 16:7 that He will send the Comforter, the Holy Spirit who will teach, guide and empower us as believers. 

This baptism was to be the sign and dynamic mark of the followers of Jesus. The Holy Spirit would be poured upon them so that they might carry on His saving work in all the world: Acts 1:8. Jesus task of baptizing in the Spirit is His ongoing purpose throughout this age: Acts 2:38-39. 

What you need to receive the Holy Spirit:

1): You must accept by faith Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and turn away from sin and the world: Acts 2:38-40, 8:12-17. We must turn away from every sinful acts like idol worship, harboring unforgiven spirit, lack of commitment to Kingdom work among others before we can become a Vessel unto honour, sanctified and meet for the Master’s use: 2 Timothy 2:21.

2): You must desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit. You must have a deep hunger for the baptism in the Spirit: John 7:37-39. 

3): You can receive the Holy Spirit in answer to prayer: Luke 11:13 and Acts 1:14). 

4): Being full of expectation that God will baptize you with the Holy Spirit: Mark 11:24 and Acts 1:4-2021.

Benefits of baptism in the Holy Spirit: 

1): Brings personal boldness and confidence in preaching the gospel. Acts 2:14, 41. 

2): You start making prophetic utterances and declarations: Acts 10:46, 1 Corinthians 14:2. 

3): You become more sensitive to sin that grieves the Holy Spirit, and thirst more after righteousness and holiness. John 16:8. By so doing, you begin a life that brings glory to Jesus Christ: John 16:13-14 and Acts 4:33. 

4): You begin to receive new visions and to manifest various gifts of the Spirit: Acts 2:17 and 1 Corinthians 12:4-10.

5): You will have a deeper love and understanding of God’s Word with greater desire for unceasing prayers: Acts 2:41-42, John 16:13 & Acts 2:42. 

To sustain the fullness of the Holy Spirit in your life, you need: Unceasing prayers: Acts 4:31; continuous Witness : Acts 4:31, 33; Worship in the Spirit: Ephesians 5:18-19; and a sanctified life: Ephesians 5:18. Without the above, the experience in the Holy Spirit will soon become a fading glory. 


You cannot enjoy the grace of God required to do exploits in the Kingdom or get fully committed to the kingdom assignment without the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Receive the power of the Holy Spirit that will enable you to enjoy the grace of God required for doing supernatural exploits in the Kingdom in Jesus mighty name. 

Shalom !.

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