Go ye and preach the gospel.

By Pastor Joseph O. Babatunde

Text: Mark 16: 1-20

1): The greatest lesson from the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ is for us to obey His final command in Mark 16:15: “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature”. 

2): As Christians, we should be glad to preach the gospel, which is the good news. To testify of the new life we have in Christ with joy and excitement. 1 Corinthians 15: 13-20 and Colossians 3:1. To let the world know that because Jesus rose from the dead, our preaching and faith are not in vain!. 

3): In accordance with our Theme for the month of April, 2021; “Jesus, the Light of men” : Jesus expects us to shine forth the Light. And we can only beam the Light by preaching the good news, which is the Word of God. 

Basic Requirements to be a successful preacher:

1). Be born again: John 3:3 & 16. Accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. Acts 19:13-16: The 7 sons of Sceva. Jesus must know us and we must know Him to be a successful preacher.

2). Get baptized in water: Mark 16:16 and the Holy Spirit. Acts 11:16.

3). Know the word of God: 2 Timothy 2:15 and give yourself  to fasting and prayers regularly. Mathew 17:21.

4). Be confident and bold. Philippians 1:14.  Be ready to sacrifice your time, talents and materials. Be of strong faith. Hebrews 11:6.

5).  Be of good report. Philippians 4:8: Our life should be an epistle that people can read and be blessed. Our attitude where we live, in our place of work and business, in every gathering we find our selves must glorify God. Our light must shine forth for the people in the world to see. People must know that there is a positive change. No more use of abusive words, no harboring  unforgiven spirit, no keeping malice, no more cheating, no quarreling etc. Keep good friends and companion. No longer unequally yoked with unbelievers: 2 Corinthians 6:14:

What are the benefits of preaching the gospel? 

1): Preaching the gospel is the secret of living a successful and rewarding Christian life. Mark 16:17-18. When you see fruits that came into the fold by God’s grace through your preaching, you enjoy peace and joy inside you that cannot be explained.

2): You become wise by God’s standard: Proverbs 11:30.

3): For answers to prayers: John 15:16.

4). To reign and rule with Jesus Christ on the last day:  Mark 8:36 and John 14:1-3: 

 5): To obtain the crown of righteousness as testified by Apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 4:6-8. It prepares us to be able to face death without fear and to serve the Lord to the end with comfort and joy.

Concluding remark:

 God’s word tells us in Mathew 9:37-38, “The harvest truly is plenteous but the labourers are few”. Let’s pray for great harvest and for God to send us forth and back us up as we proceed to preach the gospel all over the world. 

Let us all spend quality time during this Easter period to preach the gospel to the numerous unsaved souls all around our vicinity. 

Per adventure you are a reader of this publication and you are yet to truly give your life to Jesus Christ, this offers you another opportunity to submit and surrender to Him. In Mathew 11:28, Jesus said “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”. You want to enjoy the rest that only Jesus can give throughout your short pilgrimage in life, repent of your sins and surrender to His Lordship today, and He will uphold you to the end!

God bless you abundantly as you yield to His call. Amen !

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